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Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is where we will share how to be Site Savvy!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Here are three examples of image slideshows on this page that can be used on blogger sites.

For the purposes of differing-shaped images, I think the best slideshow is the Picasa Web Slideshow, which is Number 1 in our list of examples:

Sample 1: Google Picasa Web Slideshow:

This is the best option because Picasa Web kept all images at the correct aspect ratios when they were converted. We didn't have to make any changes to the images in Photoshop. Very cool! And the black background will make it disappear into the background of your blog too making the art pieces themselves the complete slideshow.

Sample 2: SlideRoll slideshow:

Sample 3: ImageLoop slideshow:

About Us

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Desiree Renaud | Owner/President

"Wow, the internet rocks!"

At the risk of sounding techni-corny, Desiree has been known to blurt at strangers: "Wow, the Internet rocks!"

She loves the reach of the Web and the googol* of information available to anyone with an Internet connection. (*Read how Google's creators were inspired by this mathematical term.) "It is fantastic how the Web is making everyone on the planet smarter.

The Internet inspires projects like One Laptop Per Child and Computers With Causes, which help bring knowledge to even the poorest in our world. The Web truly rocks!"

As a small business owner, Desiree's knows that advertising funds are usually limited, especially for start-ups and non-profits. So Desiree's focus and mission is "to help all small businesses, emerging entrepreneurs and non-profits get on the Web" by offering affordable, professional web sites that help them harness the power of the Web using proven design and development practices.

"A Web site for all!" became her battle cry.

Back in the day (1993) no institution of higher learning was teaching how to program a Web site. Fortunately for Desiree, she did find one guy, a former IBM-er, teaching HTML (the programming language used to create sites) and other Internet classes as part of the Continuing Education program and the University of Colorado in Boulder. A proponent of uncluttered, simple site design, Art Smoot has remained one of Desiree's mentors all these years.

Desiree then studied the web design practices of gurus, authors and trainers Lynda Weinman and Eric Meyer (among others). Lynda continues to be one of Desiree's mentors and she still uses Lynda's online training Web site to keep her skills current. After spending two years in school working towards her Computer Science degree in Colorado, Desiree left school to jump into Web design because it was new and fresh and interesting. And few were doing it.

In 1996, Site Sensations was officially born.

Desiree's technical background includes training corporate Web teams at companies in Denver's tech center area and working as an applications expert and trainer for the State of Colorado and City of Denver.

Desiree spends the lion's share of her time managing projects at Site Sensations, offering years of experience to her clients.

Today, more than ever before, small businesses and non-profits need every advantage to drive customers to them.
Web sites that work make the Internet rock!

Josh Craig | Owner/Lead Designer

"Man, I love making websites!"

Josh joined Site Sensations as a partner in 2009 and is the company's eclectic creative guru, who has finally settled down to put his full attention on what he loves: designing Web sites.

And did we mention that he loves making web sites, man?

As a teenager, Josh worked for Site Sensations for a short time while attending high school in Boulder, Colorado, where he graduated with an Associate Degree in Multi-Media Studies concurrently with his high school diploma.

Not entirely sure what to do with his life (like so many teenagers), he decided to join the United States Air Force. As is often the case, Josh's timing was extraordinary: he reported to Lackland AFB for boot camp the very week of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center.

After finishing his tour of duty in the USAF, Josh was happy to be free to return to civilian life. Josh moved to Atlanta and had an epiphany that led him back to a career in Web Design: "I finally realized what I wanted to be when I grow up," he says, only half joshing.

Whenever Josh isn't working on a Web site, you'll find him helping people with computer problems. His pet project is A Nerd 4 Hire, a computer servicing sideline he started after becoming the go-to tech guy for friends and family.

Josh's unique Web design talents include a keen eye for cartooning and a love for creating something new on the Web that is engaging. Web design challenges him to find a new way to deliver a unique Web presence for each client he serves at Site Sensations. "I like the idea that every business is different and every site needs to be unique, just like its owner."

It is this "creating something new each time" that gets Josh out of bed in the morning and keeps him happily tethered to his mouse.

With Desiree's 13 years of experience and Josh's design talent, Site Sensations' mission is creating web sites that work, because otherwise, what's the point?

Contact Site Sensations

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Friday, April 10, 2009